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Monday, 29 April 2013 19:45

SOLVED: Issue with Kunena Forum | Latest Activity Module (Joomla)

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KUNENA FORUM LATEST ACTIVITY -JOOMLAMany of our blog items provide in depth information for the average web design client. However, as a premier Joomla Web Developer located in the Chicago area, we often resolve common issues with Joomla website configurations, templates, components, modules, etc....

As a web developer with extensive experience with Joomla and Joomla 3rd party components, we sink our teeth into issues like this and often remedy issues that few Joomla developers can. Recently we resolved a very common issue with the Kunena Latest Activity Module. 

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Where as, the module reflected this error message in the Kunena Forum Component's activity stream:  

Warning: mb_substr() expects parameter 3 to be long, string given in public_html/libraries/phputf8/mbstring/core.php

The fix for this very annoying Kunena error was a simple configuration modification. If you are experiencing this issue with the Kunena Forum Component, then contact AdverGroup Web Design so that we may troubleshoot your Joomla website and remedy your error. We can solve this issue for Kunena Latest 1.7.1, Kunena Latest 2.x and Kunena Latest 3.x.

Read 17100 times Last modified on Sunday, 21 July 2013 20:14