Monday, 08 May 2023 23:42

Corporate Office Rentals | Wordpress Web Design and SEO in Oak Brook 60523 Featured

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Local Oakbrook Website Designer and Development Company SEO for Corp OfficesWebsite Design Client:  Corporate Office Rentals

Location:  Oak Brook, IL 60523

AdverGroup was first contacted by the managers at CorpOffices in Oak Brook, IL who was seeking a local web designer nearby when they needed some fast website updates performed on their old WordPresss website.  The owner of this WordPress website knew they needed more than just simple webpage updates. However, at the time (in 2022) they were just looking to update some images on their old website.   In 2023, the owner of CorpOffices in Oak Brook, knew it was time to develop a new website that had a more modern template that was responsive.  They also knew they needed to resolve the many issues with non-existing metadata which was holding them back on search engines. They contacted AdverGroup, we assisted them in redesigning their old WordPress Website into a more modern and responsive version which now meets all of Google's guidelines for basic search engine optimization.



Gallery Okabrook Web DesignThis Oakbrook SEO Website Design Project included:

  • AdverGroup developed a custom website for CorpOffices in Oak Brook, IL 60523 using Wordpress
  • Lightbox Image Gallery for WordPress to exhibit conference rooms.
  • Included "animated scrolling custom headers" and custom graphic design for company website redevelopment
  • Included configuration of Google Analytics and submission of Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools and Microsoft Bing.
  • We wrote content and metadata for geographical landing pages
  • Creation of client's Favicon.
  • Custom graphic design including custom icon set for this new Oak Brook website design.

Custom Icon Set for Corp Offices in Oakbrook with Wordpress Web Design

We are considered the best option for local businesses seeking to redevelop their company websites in, and near Oak Brook, IL 60523. This is because we offer complete Wordpress and Joomla website design packages that include various creative services including but not limited to professional photography, image licensing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and video production.  

Contact AdverGroup today for assistance in achieving a professional corporate website design and video production in Oak Brook, IL 60523 and nearby.

Read 1880 times Last modified on Tuesday, 09 May 2023 00:16