Industry News

Google Matt Cutts Most Interesting Man in World SEOIf you don’t know who Matt Cutts is, then you probably have not been paying much attention to the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). If you own or manage a website and have an interest in growing your web presence, then its time you learn more about Matt Cutts.

When viewing Google’s Management Team Page, provided on their company website. You will not see a photo or even a description of Matt Cutts. I find this funny considering, that when Matt Cutts speaks, his words have a more significant impact on the world of SEO than any other Google staff member.

Perhaps you are more familiar with the "stay thirsty" ad campaign put on by Dos Equis Beer. Whereas their spokesman is a older distinguished gentlemen who is lauded as "the most interesting man in the world". I could not help but to rewrite many of the popular sayings so that they are relevant to the world of SEO and Matt Cutts.

"Search engines base their results upon his guidelines"

"His words are considered golden"

"He is fluent in all search engine algorithms, even those that have not been developed yet"

HEALTH CARE gov most expensive website may be the most talked about website since the days of Facebook going public! is a healthcare exchange website created by and operated under the United States Federal Government as per the provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) which was signed into law March 23, 2010.  The PPACA was designed to serve the residents of the thirty-six U.S. states that opted not to create their own state exchanges.   In order to achieve the goals of the PPACA, as with many other businesses, industries and endeavors, a service based website was required. is the government website which was developed to provide a way for Americans to “comparison shop” between different possible health insurance options for an individual within his or her state, with a visual format somewhat similar to websites such as and Etsy.

While the website has been criticized and dragged through the mud, is it really a broken website or is all the noise created by those who oppose the politics behind the National Health Care initiative?

As reported on the Joomla Website, Lenoardo Di Caprio uses Joomla on his new site

leonardo-SMALLLeonardo Di Caprio is one of the most famous actors in the world. Leonardo has shown the ability to choose great roles, starring in movies from Inception and Gangs of New York to Titanic and Catch Me if You Can. It seems he can also choose great software. His new site runs Joomla. This is a particularly interesting site in its design and its navigation.

Who else uses Joomla? Leo joins the ranks of numerous other big names that use Joomla. Other big names that use the Joomla platform include Major Television Networks, Retailers, Car Manufacturers and even Government Agencies. Names such as McDonalds, JaguarPizza Hut, MTV, Sony Pictures, Mexico City and even the United Kingdoms Ministry of Defense.


Yes, it is true that Google Places is no more! However the replacement of Google Places with Google Plus Local is a logical move for Google.  As Google aims to topple Facebook and Twitter as the web’s leading online communities, “Google Plus” is their vehicle to do so.  This article provides an in-depth look into Google and Google’s products that relate to Google Plus and Google Plus Local. If you can afford a moment to read this article, you will understand how significant the birth of Google Plus Local is, as it relates to Google’s big picture.

Why does it make sense for Google to enter the Social Networking arena? With the creation of “Google Plus” and now Google Plus Local, Google plans to merge all of their technology under one roof!  Google has been strategically building their tools to dominate the online industry. After search engines, Google has been leading the innovative mapping industry with Google Maps. With Google owning the map market, you can assume that they have all the pieces in place to bring a “local” appeal to any social community they may be involved in developing.

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